Currently Offered Courses - Spring 2025
Interdisciplinary introduction to the basis for a Latina/Latino ethnicity in the United States. Topics include immigration and acculturation experiences and their commonalities and differences, comparison of Latina/Latino experiences to those of other racial, ethnic and immigrant groups, and the potential for a pan-ethnic identity.
Same as AAS 215, AFRO 215, AIS 295, and GWS 215. See AAS 215.
Interdisciplinary exploration of the racial politics of reproduction in the United States with an emphasis on how ideologies of race, class, and citizenship shape meanings and experiences of reproduction, pregnancy, and motherhood. Topics include contraception, sterilization abuse, and abortion. Students will also learn how women of color have both been affected by the racial politics of reproduction and how they have advanced the movement for reproductive rights and justice in the United States. Same as GWS 235.
Provides an introduction to Latina/o popular culture in the United States. Specific modes of popular culture might include mass media, music, film, video, performance, and other expressive forms. Lecture and readings are in English. Same as ENGL 224 and SPAN 240.
Survey of literature by and about people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other Latina/o descent in the United States. Taught in English. Same as ENGL 225 and SPAN 242.
Same as SPAN 248. See SPAN 248.
Examination of the history of Mexican Americans living within the United States from the Spanish Conquest to the twentieth century. Explores the process of migration, settlement, assimilation, and discrimination with emphasis on continuity and change in Mexican cultural development. Same as HIST 279.
Same as AAS 281, AFRO 281, and HIST 281. See HIST 281.
Course examines specific topics in Latina/Latino Studies not addressed in regularly offered courses. Examples include theories of ethnic identity, historical foundations, cultural expression, and relevant topics in public policy studies of Latina/Latino communities. May be repeated in same or separate terms to a maximum of 6 hours.
Same as AAS 300 and GWS 305. See AAS 300.
Same as AAS 310, AFRO 310, and EPOL 310. See EPOL 310.
Explores the history of racial classification in the U.S. with special attention to the census and the role of the state more generally in defining race. Emphasis on how race-mixing has been understood in American culture, and on the current literature on "multiracials" and the future of "race" in the U.S. Readings are drawn from interdisciplinary sources, but examined from a sociological perspective. Same as AAS 355 and SOC 355. Prerequisite: Any lower division LLS or SOC or AAS course.
Examines Latina/o, Asian-American, African-American, and Indigenous stories of displacement, (im)migration, and settlement. We will analyze the negotiated and contested narratives about race, gender, and sexuality that the texts evidence in order to form interpretive arguments that address the ways in which the texts unsettle ideas about the nation, nation building, and national belonging. Same as AAS 357, AIS 357, ENGL 357, and GWS 357.
Special topics not treated in regularly scheduled courses; designed especially for advanced Undergraduates. Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated in the same or subsequent terms as topics vary to a maximum of 6 hours. Prerequisite: One course in Latina/Latino Studies and consent of instructor.
Examines the Latina/Latino experience in the U.S. how and when the law, through the courts, has most often operated as an instrument of subordination and oppression, but has also at times been leveraged for positive social transformation. Students will come to understand that the law is a deeply contested social space that is central to U.S. social hierarchies based upon race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, immigration status, and religion. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
This interdisciplinary seminar examines the social determinants of US racial and ethnic health inequalities through the lens of (im)migration. Topics to be addressed include: conceptualizations of race and ethnicity, immigrant-adaptation theories, discrimination, place, and the intersections of race, ethnicity, poverty, immigration, gender and health. Same as SOC 473 and SOCW 473. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.
This capstone seminar, designed for advanced majors in LLS, will guide students through the process of writing a senior research paper relevant to the field of Latina/Latino Studies. Students will develop research skills through discussions, writing exercises, and workshops. 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: LLS 385; senior standing; and enrollment as a major in Latina/Latino Studies.
Research project leading to a thesis. 2 or 4 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. May be repeated in separate terms to a maximum of 4 undergraduate hours. May be taken by honors students in partial fulfillment of department honors requirement. Prerequisite: Senior standing; enrollment as a major in Latina/Latino Studies; a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.25; a minimum 3.5 grade point average in the major; and consent of supervising professor.
Independent study on special topics not treated in regularly scheduled courses. Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 hours.
Examination of specific topics in Latina/Latino Studies. Topics vary. May be repeated in the same or subsequent semesters to a maximum of 12 hours.