We are pleased to spread the word on the first NUVE publication. LLS majors Fatima Valerio and Marlene Santos and other students are the creators of Nuestra Verdad Publicación (NUVE).
Nuestra Verdad Publicación (NUVE) is happy to share their first collective online magazine titled “Nuestras Historias.” This issue focuses and is made up of Latine historical events that have happened on campus and in the U.S. as a whole. Nuestras Historias (Issue 1, Vol 1) is available to view and download on the website here https://www.nuestraverdad.com/nuestras-historias.
NUVE is a student-led publication aiming to create a safe space on campus to discuss and publish content typically ignored by mainstream media on campus. You can find many of the published articles online at www.nuestraverdad.com, and updates on instagram @nuveuiuc.